Leave a legacy of love for seriously ill children. Your charitable investment in RMHC Triangle will ensure support programs for children and families for many years to come. Gifts in any amount are welcome. “Forever gifts” may include bequests, insurance, appreciated real estate, charitable IRA rollover, annuities, trusts, endowments, and more. They may be given in your lifetime, or later and may support the program of your choosing.

If you like, we will gladly help us design a legacy gift that suits your needs and wishes.


Named for a child’s favorite blanket, the Security Blanket Society recognizes people who include RMHC Triangle in their estate plans or who establish named endowment funds. There is no minimum amount required to join the Security Blanket Society.

If you have already included RMHC Triangle in your estate plans, please let us know  so we can celebrate your caring commitment.

We are deeply grateful for your commitment to our mission to support seriously ill children and their families.