Make a gift in honor or in memory of someone this holiday season.

For each donation received by Wed., Dec. 10, we will light a luminary at the Lights of Love evening at the Durham Bulls Athletic Park. We’ll also send a special card to your honoree notifying them of the gift. Honoree names are listed below.


Donors giving $500 or more will receive 2 tickets to the Lights of Love event on December 12.


Help us light the field with Lights of Love!

Holiday Tribute Honorees

In Honor of 8R Women’s Resources Group

In Memory of Dr. David Paul Adams

In Honor of Barbara Alexander

In Honor of Husam Ali

In Memory of Michael Ariosto

In Memory of Esther Arne

In Memory of Harry Arne

In Honor of Payton Arrants

In Honor of Brave August

In Memory of Jansen Bartlett

In Honor of Caitlyn Bateman

In Memory of Diana Ramos Batista

In Memory of Martha & Garry Blake-Adams

In Memory of Doug Blalock

In Memory of Naner Sherron Blalock

In Memory of Anthony Boykin

In Memory of Brenda Bradley

In Memory of Dorcas Bradley, Lyon Park Warrior

In Honor of Brody

In Honor of MaryAnn Buckner

In Honor of James Burr

In Memory of Jane Carlyle

In Memory of Sean Casey

In Memory of Emery Cassavaugh

In Memory of Howard Cawthon

In Honor of Michael Cenci

In Memory of Cecile Champagne

In Honor of Charlie

In Honor of Joyce Chetty

In Honor of Rhys Chou

In Memory of Bob Christian

In Memory of Andy Cizek

In Memory of Barbara Clark

In Honor of Alex Cole

In Honor of George Cole

In Honor of Margie Cole

In Honor of Kevin & Paula Collins

In Honor of Judah Cothron

In Honor of Skylar Cozart

In Memory of Gracie Dennis

In Memory of Martha Dillingham

In Honor of Barbara Drum

In Honor of Clara Edwards

In Honor of Patricia Few

In Honor of Shirley Few

In Memory of Don & Dottie Fifolt

In Honor of Morris Fine

In Honor of Nancy Fine

In Memory of Iris Finkel

In Memory of Bill Freelove

In Honor of Jean Girtman

In Honor of Maura Glovins

In Memory of Barbara & Joe Guarino

In Memory of Heather Hall

In Honor of Elaine Harris

In Honor of Kathy Heinkel

In Honor of Fran Helpingstine

In Honor of Mike Helpingstine

In Memory of Sondria Hinton

In Honor of Brian Hollis

In Honor of Bruce Hollis

In Honor of Kelly Hollis

In Memory of Matthew Hollis

In Memory of Eleanor Holloway

In Memory of Cheryl Honeycutt

In Memory of Betty Hullender

In Memory of Harvey Hullender

In Honor of Shannon Owens Humphrys

In Honor of Dominic Hunt

In Memory of Ruth Ingle

In Memory of Indumathi Iriventi

In Honor of Ann Lou Jamerson

In Honor of Maddie Jelen

In Memory of Dr. John Johnson, Jr.

In Honor of Nancy Jones

In Honor of Shantaram Kamath

In Honor of Anna Grace Kelley

In Honor of Benjamin Kelley

In Honor of Bynum Kelley

In Honor of Caleb Kelley

In Honor of Grace Kelley

In Honor of Joshua Kelley

In Honor of Lexie Kelley

In Honor of Rev Kelley

In Honor of Roby Kelley

In Honor of Ron Kelley

In Honor of Wesley Kelley

In Honor of Wilson Kelley

In Honor of Kennedy

In Memory of Enoch Kirkland

In Memory of Gussi & Chico Kotlar

In Memory of Paul Lachiewicz

In Honor of Gloria LaCre

In Honor of Gwen Lovelace

In Honor of Maddox

In Memory of Stephanie Manous

In Honor of Maria by Gigi

In Memory of Richard Matthews

In Memory of Christin Mazev

In Honor of Reb McDaniel

In Memory of Larry McDonald

In Memory of Bonnie Melton

In Memory of Pauline Menyhart

In Memory of Cynthia Meshaw

In Honor of Cindy Miller

In Honor of David Miller

In Memory of Joel Miller

In Honor of Stella Millman

In Memory of Donald Moehring

In Memory of Opal Ledford Moretz

In Memory of Mikayla Nowell

In Memory of Arthur Oakley

By Buster & Deanie Oakley in Honor of their Grandson

In Honor of Doris O’Dell

In Memory of Vince & Dot Oglesby

In Memory of Kevin O’Shaughnessy

In Honor of Eliza Kraft Olander

In Honor of Lacy Oxendine

In Memory of Autivia Pardue

In Memory of DeKorias Pardue

In Memory of Gia Parker

In Honor of Carolyn Penny

In Memory of Danita Pergerson

In Honor of Nathan Prince

In Honor of Siler Ransmeier

In Memory of Arnold Rathke

In Honor of aLyttia Ray

In Memory of Peggy Reaugh

In Memory of Charlie Rice

In Honor of the RMHC Triangle Team by Oie

In Honor of Ellen Roeber

In Honor of Pat Roeber

In Honor of Elizabeth Rose

In Memory of Jack Russell

In Memory of Johnny Russell

In Memory of Joan Russell

In Honor of Emma Sabet

In Honor of Mandy Sanders & Family

In Honor of Evelyn Sauerbier

In Honor of Jerry & Brenda Schafer

In Memory of Paul Schafer

In Honor of Catherine Schwartz

In Honor of Grier Schwartz

In Honor of Rita Selmont

In Memory of Ilene Sherron

In Honor of Yefim Shlensky

In Honor of Ramonita Silva

In Memory of Micah Simonsen, Jr.

In Memory of Tracey Fodor Smith

In Memory of Michael Reeves Stocker

In Memory of Teddy Subject

In Memory of Doug Thomas

In Honor of Ford Throneburg

In Honor of Jessica Throneburg

In Honor of Rodger Traynor

In Memory of Summer Troutman

In Memory of Colby Tucker

In Memory of Larry Tucker

In Honor of Vasilios by Gigi

In Memory of Hazel Viola

In Honor of Lauren Vollmer

In Honor of Jamie von Imhof

In Honor of Callan Walsh

In Memory of Mathew Waltrip

In Memory of Greg Watrous

In Honor of Katie Whitman

In Memory of Harriet Wilfong

In Honor of Drew Williams

In Honor of Sheila Williams

In Honor of Garrett Wilson

In Memory of Girtus Lee “Dooley” Wilson

In Memory of Audrey Jane Wood

In Honor of Ainsley Woodard

In Memory of Dr. Herbert Zeroft

In Memory of Tony Zibernia


Tribute Card Message

“There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.”



A holiday gift of light has been made

(your name and message here)

to help families with seriously ill children who are supported by Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Triangle


Wishing you love and light for the holidays!