Our Values

We believe when families are together, they cope better. We believe no family should have to deal with their child’s medical crisis alone.

Our values are the foundation that supports these beliefs and brings them into action – for our staff, our board, and our treasured volunteers and supporters.


Our Impact Strategy


The mission of RMHC is to provide essential services that remove barriers, strengthen families, and promote healing when children need healthcare. Our vision is a world where all children have access to medical care and their families are supported and actively involved in their children’s care.

Our History


It all began in 1973 when Philadelphia Eagles football player Fred Hill and his wife, Fran, learned that their daughter, Kim, had leukemia. While receiving treatment at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, they met other families who drove hours to the hospital to be with their children, only to sleep overnight in waiting room chairs and eat from vending machines because they had nowhere else to go.

Fred and Fran Hill decided to do something for these families, teaming up with the Philadelphia Eagles, Dr. Audrey Evans, and local McDonald’s owner/operators. McDonald’s gift of Shamrock Shake proceeds made it possible to purchase and restore a house near the hospital where these families could stay, and the first Ronald McDonald House was born.






Pediatric-Family Center of North Carolina is incorporated as the precursor organization to Ronald McDonald House in the state.

Our Staff + Board


Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Triangle strives to offer a “Top-5” experience to each family it serves. To do this, we rely on a Top-5 team of staff and board members for consistent program excellence and strategic leadership. Our team exemplifies RMHC Triangle values in every interaction.

Join Our Team

RMHC Triangle seeks qualified, enthusiastic candidates with a variety of backgrounds and professional experiences to broaden our team. Watch our website for position openings and information on how to apply.